Gun Violence and the Settler-Colonial Context

On February 14th, the United States was shaken by yet another mass shooting event at a school in Parkland, Florida. 14 students and 3 faculty members were murdered in the span of just over five minutes, making it one of the deadliest school shooting events in American history. As always, the horrific violence triggered a predictable and public ritual that has grown all too familiar … Continue reading Gun Violence and the Settler-Colonial Context

Settler Colonization: Colonize, Erase, Repeat

Assimilation has always been regarded as a pivotal achievement in an immigrant’s move to a new country. However innocent the fundamental process may appear, assimilation is synonymous with erasure. To “become American,” means leaving cultures, traditions, and languages in the past, and adopted the “American lifestyle.” First comes removal of identity, thus follows an erasure of rights (see Dakota Access Pipeline, countless immigrants’ rights violations, … Continue reading Settler Colonization: Colonize, Erase, Repeat

Welcome to New York: The Land of Liberty & Mythology

Doreen Massey in “Places and their Past,” asks her readers to ponder on how national identities are created. How do we associate mundane objects such as berets and crepes with France but maple syrup with Canada and cheeseburgers with the United States of America?  Hidden beyond the surface of these objects are of course concepts that inform and instrumentalize our specific understanding or notion of … Continue reading Welcome to New York: The Land of Liberty & Mythology